Friday, February 8, 2013

grahak seva complaints corporate infocom pvt. ltd.

What have we achieved through the power of google adsense and services and training provided by the corporate infocom private limited?

1.     subhi sharma:
A grand Thanks to CIPL for providing me such a great platform...and special thanks to all my seniors and mentors..this was first check from google i.e. of 121.33$ and now planning for 2nd one. thanks to diwaker sir rahul walia sir and jatin sir,harshit sir ,nikhil sir ,raj sir,vishal sir,ajay sir for helping me on every step of success.. WUS..

2. Wish you success sir.
I am Naresh Poonia a user of the CIPL Complete package.
Please find my google cheque & photograph enclosed with this mail.

Testimony :- "Corporate Infocom Pvt. Ltd. is a teaching & change machine for me which brought many changes in my life.I cannot recall a single day since i became a part of it when i haven't thanked this revolutionary organisation for changing my life.I still remember a boy who was Computerphobic & use to fear from Computers but today the same boy is making the company who recieves more than 15,00 resumes a day to write cheque for him that Boy is me Naresh Poonia & that Company is Google Inc."

3.   Mr. Tushar Bansal:

Now the life Journey Begins with the most happiest day in my life....
here is My First Earning from Google Adsense -World's No 1 Company....:)
Thanks to Corporate Infocom Private limited for such a great platform.

4.   Mr. Rohitash Repswal:
This Income, from IT Field. Thanks to Corporate infocom Private Limited : Corporate tauji criticised many times, So i again Create a Google Adsense account on the behalf of my Tauji that's why name is Ram Kumar Singh for Surprise gift..........

Now its time to Prove..... Mehnat rang laai ... special thanks to Jitendra Dhaka ji, Saurabh Khurana ji, Saurabh Gupta ji, Saurabh Rai ji and all the associates from my downline. — with Nem Chand, Vijay Chauhan, Sumit Kumar and 23 others.

5.   Mr. Sameer Gupta:

my first income tax refund..... thanks to cipl (Corporate Infocom Private Limited.

Hello Friend,

we welcome you to the (Corporate infocom Private Limited)
CIPL's Marketing Team, you have been enrolled as an Individual Business associate or Marketing Executive in The ICT develeopment Project powered by Corporate Infocom private Limited.

The main motto of this project is : Harnessing the power of Internet and scope for the INdian youth.

In every five year plans government is trying to always focuss and solve the issue of unemloyment, which cant be solved unless and untill we install more and more industries and which means the students who are passing out from management colleges or engineering backgrounds or misc. should open up their own indistries, but for which they must require capital investment and extraordinary talent, but which is one in millions, now comes the biggest questions how and when will we be able to solve this issue of unemployment for the average and below average students. When we saw the concept of Google adsense it was the exact answer to our question,  in the beginning, it was very thrilling, but still why people in india are not able to harness its power is, awareness: " as most of the indian youngters and even the elderly people do not know what is it and how it will work for them" , second is: " how to own and manage a website?", becos for that either u should be a website designer or should have an investment for a website, because for generating income from google adsense you must have your own managable website.
Now even if you get a website, then who is gonna train you for making earnings for google adsense?? becos just owning a website and registering a  website in google adsense will not gaurantee earnings, you need to have a proper training from a person who is already a master in adsense business.
 For all these issues one day me(Diwakar Dhyani, CEO and mr. rahul walia, chairman) we launched the ICT DEvelopment project, which aimed at empowering and training all the willing students for becoming IT based Entrepreneurs or Google adsense webmasters, the basic motto of the project is Keeping Technology Simple. The beauty of this project is that it solves all the problems discussed earlier, first, awareness, we organise events , seminars, conventions for awaring the people about Google adsense. Second we provide platform and tools with the help of which people can install their high quality and latest technology website with 3 simple clicks, without having any knowlege of website designing or development, if a person just knows how to browse the internet , he can manage, edit, install his website without any issue. Third, as our project has already made fortune for thousands of students all over india, who are generating a handsome amount of income from google adsense already, so we have these people as trainers for the new commers who train them, motivate them, and assist them for attaining success in the industry through the person's very own website which he gets by admitting in this project. We also provide online computer courses for increasing their website ranking in the major search engines, also many other computer courses complementory in this project.

  we have a dream to one day touch millions of people all across india, and somehow offer some help to the indian youngsters, we never say that everybody will become successful, as everyone knows that their are thousands of students who take admission in a college , but few of them secure above 90%, some average, and some become underperformers, but everyone gets according to the hardwork they put in. So it will depend on howmuch hardwork you put in and your dedicatation and seriousness towards work.

Now its your time to begin your journey in the CS marketing Team where you can not even learn to harness the power of a website but also earn money part time full time by working as a marketing executive in the ICT development project.
But before we began you have to understand that you dont have to pay for getting any training or enrolling as a marketing executive in the company, the product which you buy from the company, i.e. CS website and educational package is for the product and not the cost of the enrolling for the project.
  Also, admission in the project doesnt guarantee success of making millions or billions, but the success depends on the performace of the individual, say for example even if you get enrolled in some reputated college/ institution, just admission will not guarantee your percentage or marks secured or placement, the amount of hardwork and dedication you put in it, your learning attitute, etc are the things required for success, as in a class of 100 students, the teacher teaches the same thing to all the students, but some people secure above 90% marks, some secure, avaergae marks, some people are below average and some people fail in the exam, who in turn never consider their faults and try to improve but instead they blame the teacher or the institute. In the ICT development project, you have many senior trainers to teach you, and you have to find and consider someone out of them as ur mentor and in the beginning you will have to work as a trainee in the team, later when you become well experienced then you can start training and guiding the new commer trainees/ associates/ marketing executives who get enrolled in your team, as an example, when a student passes out from engineering/ management or misc course, he works in the beginning as a trainee in the company and later on he becomes a performer himself, and then his promotion, income, etc will always depend on his performace.

Now lets begin on how to start.
everyone of us knows that Computer education is a must in today;s scenario and earning through a website is something which now latest carreer to choose, but in india, the awareness and training is no where available, becos no one discloses his/her business secrets with someone, as an example if some one is a webmaster who earns handsome money from his website, he wil never guide you or train you for achiving the same success which he acheived , this is a general physcology.

the ICT develeopment project has provided a platform with the help of which not even you can learn the webmastery or learn computer courses, but you can also earn money as a marketing executive by the promotion of this CS website and educational package by referencing,
Now all what we have to do is what we have been doing since ages, that is advertising, like whatever we buy we buy it by referrals, say for example, if my father has decided to buy a car, he will take advices from all his friends who have cars, and if some friend a has a Volkswagon car, he will always advice of refer volks wagon, the person who has a Honda will always refer a honda, and so on, in the same way when we use the CS website and educational package, we also know that everyone is these days in need of adding some extra penny to his/ her earnining, also everyone is in need to education for which market costs for computer courses is very high, so we hav to refer our product which you should use urself so that u can harness its power and understand its quality and henceforth you can also refer the same product to your friends, and relatives etc, who have the willingness and who have basic knowlege of computers and internet.

Now, how to proceed, as success of every business depends on meetings, as little knowledge is always dangerous so unless and untill you have the perfect knowledge about this system, you should ask ur seniors for addressing the meetings, the meetings can be organised at your residence or workplace, or anyplace which suits you and you should should always take advice from your seniors before arranging any meetings.
 now we will guide you in this manual about the modus operandi, that is mode of operation. now whenever we tell someone about the ICT development project, people ask often a question, as now how i have to start? as it is rightly said, well began is half done? means if you have  a blasting beginning in from the starting, means your half of the journey is already completed.

First of all you must acquire a mindset of winners, which will come will come when you know your WHy, people often ask us, HOW HOW HOW did you become successful, but we always answer then that the question is not HOW but the question is WHY? So you must write down the WHY in your diary and then HOW will be learned in the course of time.

We all know that the in the starting days of our youth when we just enter the age of 18 years, we have huge big dreams of buying a Audi, BMW, or porsche, but when we come out of the college and start struggling, the way we used to see the world changes and our dreams of BMW shrinks to a Santo,wagonR or a second hand honda city, the dream of buying  a big bunglow shrinks to a 2 BHK apartment that too on installemnt for 25 years, our dream of wearing Rolex shirinks to a fast track or a  titan. But we still do not understand that if you keep on following the general protocol you will get exactly what people have got who followed the general protocol of doing some job or ordinary business.
   most of the people out of us must be already connected with some business or pursuing education, but only many people are not able to succed in their business or anything as such becos they always think of what people will think about them or what people will speak about them, if you are entering in this industry you have to make your mental level strong and take a strong decision in your mind to pursue and succeed in this business, most of the people in this word have time but no money, some people have money but no time, and some have no time and no money, even in the country like america, 95% of people fall between the poor and status people. but some people are above this, which declares them wealthy, if you want to earn wealth, you have to understand that success is a process, and its not an event.. means people get demoralised becsause they think that today i have started my journey, today only i will learn everything and tumrw i will become a multimillionare, which in turn never happens because life is reality and not a bollywood movie. whenever we see a guy who is Driving his BMW or Porsche, we think or say, how lucky that guy is, but its not true, because we are watching this guy who is now driving his BMW, but we never saw that person when he was working hard, or must had faced problem, but he did not stop and continued working.
 But one thing is common in everyone who is successful today, A never quit attitute, Learning Attitute, vision and Level of thinking, because if you think you can Do it, you are absolutely right, and if you think you can not do it, then also you are right. becuase you will always get what you think, and work for it, as said by albert eienstein, anything which is concieved and believed by the human mind is acheieved by the human mind.

Now, how to proceed, as success of every business depends on meetings, as little knowledge is always dangerous so unless and untill you have the perfect knowledge about this system, you should ask ur seniors for addressing the meetings, the meetings can be organised at your residence or workplace, or anyplace which suits you and you should should always take advice from your seniors before arranging any meetings.

now for meetings we have to prepare a list of contact which we have and who are literate and who have atleast general knowlege about computers and the internet, before making the list please note that its Important that you DO NOT prejudge any one that this person will be capable of doing it or not, or whatever, just list down first the  sources of making a list, and prepare your list of minimum 150 people. the list should have columns  viz name, profession, city, trust factor% which means what level of trust you have with the person, INdependet or dependecy status, phone no. etc...the sources of making a  list are School friends, College friends, tution friends, society friends, friends living at different areas with in the city, firend living outside the city, firends of firends, ur father;s freind's children, cousin brothers and sisters, some people who know you but you ignore, some people whom you know but they ignore, facebook freinds, online friends, dady to day friends and so on.

after preparing the list you should know what are the precautions before calling someone for the meeting.
1. encirlce 20 most trusted friends first and give them preference
2. never call closely related friedns in the same meeting, otherwise they will consider that this is not a formal meeting but you might be calling them for fun
3. never diclose the cost of the packge/ or what you have to do before the presentation becaue little knowlege is always dangerous, and if you kill the curiosity of the person he will never come to listen to you
3. use different kind of invitations for different types of people, few of the examples are:
   genral invitaion of seminar: you can dicuss that the their is a seminar on HARNESSING the power of Google adsense and scope for the indian youth, or you must have heard about google adsense, by the help of which you can also own a website and start earning from google adsense/advertisemnt in your website, but the problem comes is how to make a website and manage it, and then how to register and earn in google adsense, so the leading young acheivers in this industry are coming to address a seminar, but you have limited passes you please confirm if you are coming, or else i will give this pass to a person who really needs it and understands its worth
   to close friends: we can call our close friends at our home also, to dicuss on something exciting and new which we had been looking for since long time
   to people who want to earn part time: you can discuss about earnign through google adsense and tell them that one of your known is already doing something really good and you have asked him time, and he will be coming to you decided place at so and so time, so if intrested he/she can also come along.
   raising curiosity, as some people are hard to invite you u can use the way of raising curiosity by telling them that their is something of their benefit which he/ she need to hear as soon as poosible or else they would regret, if they ask for hints, tell them if they if you could give a hint on call then you would have had explained everything on phone only, but this is not a thing which can be discussed on phone.
   by reffering someone who is an achaiver and u met him recently
   and so on..  use your mind also for inviting after all they are your friends isnt it.

4. understand the concept of probabilty, first of all invite those people whom you think will be having a postivie response, see because their is a hell lot of differnce between willingness and being a needy..
 those people who have willingness to become rich might have motivation for a limited time only and their motivation might become fade with the course of time and hardwork they have to put in but those people who are in need, they will work will full enthusiam, now when we have a separet list of those people whose response can be nagative also, then we keep them under probabilty of negative response also. Now as the concept of probabilty is not 100% of our shots are gonna hit the dart board, i.e. if we invite have to arrnage a meeting of 5 people then we should invite at least 12 people so that even if some people have genuine problems minimum 5 people reach the decided place for the meeting. some people might face natual calamities.. (laugh) or some body's car might be stucked in traffic, or some people might face serious or genuine problem. so thats why we invite more and more people.
5. Now u have to understnad that their might be some people who will not come even when they have promised to come, you have to understand that not everyone's nature of behavior is the same, so do not worry, if they come then also well and good, and if they do not come then also well and good BECAUSE THEY NEED THE SYSTEM, THE SYSTEM DOES NOT NEED THEM.

 invite more people more than the size of your drawing room, remember :"the benefit of arrnaging the meeting at your home is that your firends feel more confertable to come to your home rather than going some where else"
if you arrange meetings at someone else's place people think 10 times before going to that place unless and untill the person is well known to them too. Also your friends must have visited your place before so it be a cherising environment at your home.

never think that your house is small for the meeting or is at so and so place, because remember that whenever yu are starting a business so starting meetings are conducted at your home only.

now some very small small points we are discussing with you, which you have to understand that they are very important. like the meeting should be having a simple and pleasant atmosphere, like please do not server different differnt types of eatables  because yiu have called them for a meeting and sharing the concept and not for some party or fun, also if you are offering some refresment like tea or coffee, then please serve it after the meeting, someone coming and serving tea, coffee or water in between the presentation will disturb the concentration and seriousness of the presenter and the people also. Please note that if there is anything which might disturb the concentration of the presenter or the presentation should be strictly avoided, like if you have a landline phone in the room , the keep the reciever aside, or switch off your mobile phone, and request the people in the presentation to switch off their mobile phones too, because there can not be any such call which can not come after one hour. Like if someone is calling you to tell you that he is not able to come, then please confirm these all things outside the presentation room and before starting the presentation, but not in between the presentation.
 Now another thing, there would be some people who would follow the indian time, that is they might come after the presentation has started, the presentation board or laptop or projector should be opposite to each other and the back of the audiences should be faced towards the door, so that late comers incoming does not disturb the concentration of the presenter. Now as small children’s dont have to do anything with the meeting, so please do not allow babies and children in the presentation, this is because one person’s disturbance can disturb the seriousness and concentration of the whole lot of people invited. this meeting can change the life of someone provided that the person is able to grasp and understand the whole concept thorrowly with all doubts cleared from his mind so thats why we are again and again focussing on the points that should be taken care of in the meeting.
   Also please inform the presenter about how many people are attending the meeting, before going to a meeting we must have adequete amount of Presentation files/ brochures, sign up forms, print material, CD’s , brochures for parents etc etc so that if people can be given those things to have a look or to take home.  The people will behave scientifically after the meeting, you must have knowledge about the products of the company which are being provided in this ICT development project’s CS website and educational package, you must know that the products which we provide are cheaper than the market, and the quality and services which we provide are extraordinary, but about the product value and quality whcih we provide can only be known to you if you have used your products, you should also know how to install the website, access cpanel, basic website editing, basic website SEO, etc etc, also how to learn the online courses provided in this package, for that you can take the help of your seniors in this project.
you should also know that the free training to harness the power of these products and adsense is not provided one to one no where at free of cost whcih you are provided in this ICT development project.
  Like say for example, some people say that you can get website in 150 rupees, but as its said rightly that little knowledge is always dangerous, lets keep a little light on this issue, the cost of one domain name like a DOT COM costs exactly 499.99 rupees, plus the cost of a Cpanel hosting is 500 rupees minimum per month, so for an year it will come out to be 500 x 12 which come out to be 6000 ruppes as only website hosting charges, so total only one year domain name and hosting charges come out to be 6500 ruppes minimum, plus no other product like which CIPL is providing in this ICt developemnt product’s CS website and educational package, like again if we consider the cost of one SEO course provided in this package the cost of only one course goes very high, then the cost of the Premium open source themes like the wordpress themes which are provided are as high as 10,000 rupees. also the other company’s next year domain and hosting charges would remain 6500 but in CS it become 2960 inclusive of taxes from next year onwards, plus there will be no one to teach and train you free of cost about SEO and utilisation of website to the optimal level which CS will provide. This was just an example to just tell you why the knowledge about your product is important and you will gain it only by using your products and being in touch with your active seniors in this project.

    now you will need three things, you require, learning attitute with your seniors, teaching attitute towards your juniors, and a never quit attitute because as we have seen many people who have been successful had one trait that they kept on walking and walking while others called quits.
also you should never say that I WILL TRY, rather you should have an attitute to say that YES I WILL DO IT. we do not care that you are topper of your college university or already running a successful business, we just know that there you were alone and here there are many people to support you.
 Now another word is councelling, when you get any doubt raised in your mind, ask ur seniors immediately, because a doubt is like a disease whose cure is councelling, if a disease is ignored, it might become deadly and at the end it can take someone’s life also. also your mental level and winning attitute will be raised if you follow some intellegence and utilise the time to the optimal level and fix up the time for the next meeting as and when the first meeting is winded up. like if one meeting has been done on thursday evening, then the second meeitng should be arranged for friday evening at the same place in front of the Guests invited only, in this way they will also be able to see little about the Modus operandi and will be able to see that if they do not hurry up they might be under loss, cos their friend is really serious about this project’s promotion. also, if someone doesnt come on time, kindly do not wait for the person to come because it will turn the attitute of the people who have been on time little neagtive, so dont wait for the one to start, start immediately as and when the time commences.
  while inviting in every 3-4 weeks we come accross people who say that they know everything, and they already know about this system or something like this, as them how many SLABS have they completed, have they completed their website and basic SEO, have they registerd their sitemap, or have they completed their website for google adsense norms and have registered etc, and how many steps they have completed this week or anything like such, like how many courses have they completed, so they start looking here and there, what will people like this explain to others, we do not bother if their brother is working in this system or how much slabs has their cousin completed, if their brother doesnt call them or they are still not admitted in this project there can be only two reasons, either they are lazy or they dont want to do something or anything. its a genreral human nature that we do not like people who say NO to us. Some people might say that if this is so benefitial them why they havent heard of this before?? so there are many things in the world which are their and we do not know anything about them, tell them to search of for google adsense cheques or income they will get to know.
  now another inporatance thing is introduction and gravity of the presenter, you should introduce the person in a way that  today you all have been invited to know about the ICT develeopment project whose motto is harrnessing the power of google adsense and scope for the indian youth, and we are really lucky to have here with us Mr. name of the presenter, to whom we have been knowing since long time and have very good relations with, and they have reached huge hieghts of success in this ICT develeopment project and the IT industry, few days back only they told us about this project and we have REQUESTED him and taken appointment for a meeting with him to explain the concept to us.  after the presentation is finished tell the presenter who would be obiusly your senior in front of everyone that you will really follow his guidence for life, and will ask for his support, this will raise bonding with your seniors and will also raise respect in front of your friends. Dear friend if something has to start, it will start sometime, and whether you are into it or not this project has been growing adn will grow obviously, now the point to think over is either you take benifit of it or let someone take benifit of it first and then regret on why u dindnt think about it earlier?
  Also Last imporatant thing is.. Please remember to make your guests see all the products and testimonials online. Like you can show them, website, user login, your website, how to access then admin of website and edit it or manage it, sample good earning websites, google adsense cheques of people working in this project, for which you can go to corporate Society’s official fanpage on facebook, Legal Certificates, and documents which are available on the company website, web building tools, like,, , you can also show Cpanel login, file manager, security tools, etc, sample computer courses, and how to give exams after clearing the courses, how are the exam certificates generated, photo gallery of senimars, sample cheques from company, etc etc, so that the person is able to make his final decision of getting admitted in the project.
 Please note that without showing the product, its 50-50% chaces of the person to be admitted or not.


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